JF https://www.javantea.com/page/1/2

It's exactly like I said. I'm so happy that I'm smart enough to do something right. But a lot of it is endurance. A few times, my computer was acting crazy. A few other times, I was acting crazy. One of the features in today's today's page was done manually since I couldn't get it done automatically. Can you see it? It's the trail on the rock. It was supposed to be alpha blended, but wasn't supported by my software. It would only take a few hours to implement it, but that would have been two hours too much. I'm not much up for staying up until 2 AM working on this. I've been doing that for the last four days or so. Of course, I'm sleeping until noon, so it's not making me sleepy. It's making me angry, instead. If you know me, you know that I get moody. I an normally very smooth, cool-headed, and intelligent. From time to time, I go into my unintentional Mr. Hyde impression and I throw myself against walls, furniture, and abuse myself in worse ways. It often happens when I'm not well fed. It often happens when I am forced to talk about war. My lesson for the day: "Don't start none, won't be none!" If you don't want something to happen, don't start. If it is something that you do not control (drunk driver heading towards you), then the quote works double: don't drive. But what if someone crashes their car into your house? Well, that's just silly. But so is not driving because someone might wreck into you. The odds, really for either are so low. If either happens, call me and I'll give you a dollar for proving me wrong. Kraftwerk is most definately the best music in the world.

As you see in the picture above, Kraftwerk outperforms all passive forms of mass reproduced entertainment. This picture does not include active forms of entertainment, entertainment on irreproducible mediums, or things not made as entertainment. Log(Log(Log(goodness))) would hardly hold all of those on single chart. If you want to hear my favorite Kraftwerk song, check out Computer Love. You'll know why it's my favorite. It was made in the year of my birth and it is more techno than music gets today. Back in the late sixties, two German geeks set out to reinvent the broken German music scene. They invented techno and discotheque is now a German word defined as a place where people dance to techno. Here in America, it is mainly illegal to dance to techno due to Teen Dance Ordinances. But like smoking marijuana, it is legal to do so in your own home as long as you buy it for an insane price and you're the only one to hear/see/smell/think it.

So, what else tonight? It's 1 AM, so I'm going to leave it to you to think for yourself.


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